Fertility Week 2018: Healthy you, healthy baby
During Fertility Week (15 - 21 October), we're reminding men and women to get healthy now and avoiding risks such as smoking and alcohol, for their baby's future. Read more here.
Fertility Week 2017: The effects of chemicals in the home on fertility
During Fertility Week (15 - 21 October), we're exploring the way that chemicals, known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), can reduce sperm and egg quality and a person’s chance of having a baby. Read more here.
Fertility Week 2016: 7 ways in 7 days
During Fertility Week (1 - 7 September), we're focusing on the top seven modifiable factors affecting fertility and what people can do to increase their chances of conceiving or having successful IVF treatment. Read more here.
Fertility Week 2015: The impact of obesity
During Fertility Week (1 - 7 September), we're talking about the impact weight has on a person’s ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Read more here.